There is a straight flight between Tianjing and Xiahe.
From Xiahe airport, it is only 2.5h drivng to Langmusi.
From Jiuzhaigou airport to Langmusi is 4hour driving.

Buses in South Gansu

City1 City2 Departure Time Travel
Lanzhou Xiahe There are five buses at 7:30/8:30/9:30/14:00/15:00 everyday. Take this bus in The South Bus Station in Lanzhou. 4h 75
Lanzhou Hezuo Everyday from 7:00am to 4:30pm, there is one bus every 25 minutes 4h 75
Lanzhou Diebu There is three buses at 8:40am, 9:40am,10:20am. 9h 140
Lanzhou Langmusi There is no bus from Lanzhou direct to Langmusi. You can take the bus from Lanzhou to Diebu and get off at Langmusi Junction 4km out of the town. 7h 160
Hezuo Langmusi One at 6:30am. 3h 50
Langmusi Hezuo There is only one bus everyday at 7:20am. 3h 50
Langmusi Lanzhou There is no direct bus, please switch the bus in Hezuo. You can easliy make it in one day. 7h 160
Xiahe Lanzhou 5 buses everyday at 6:30/7:30/8:30/12:10/14:55 4h 78
Hezuo Lanzhou Everyday from 7:00am to 4:30pm, there is one bus every 25 minutes 4h 78
Xining Xiahe There is one bus at 7:10am 6h 90
Xiahe Xining There is one bus at 6:10am 6h 90

Buses in Sichuan

City1 City2 Departure Time Travel
Langmusi Zoige Only one at 7:20am 2h 30
Zoige Langmusi One bus departs at 7am will pass by Langmusi around 9am.
Another bus departs at 2:30pm straightly to Langmusi
2h 30
Jiuzhaigou Chengdu From 6:30am to 8am, there are several buses everyday 8h 158
Chengdu Jiuzhaigou From 6:30am to 8am, there are several buses everyday 8h 158
Chengdu Zoige Everyday one bus at 6:30am. In busy season will be one more bus at 7:00am. Take it in Chadianzi Bus Station. 10h 200
Zoige Chengdu Everyday one bus at 6:30am. In busy season will be one more bus at 7:00am. 10h 200